Are you doing things


The majority of Australiam private practices in Psychology, General Practice and Allied Health spend too much time on admin and paperwork. Our systems automate many of the small tasks that add up over time.  This give you more time to focus on the work, and more time for yourself. 

Our approach is unique in that with are both Mental Health Professionals and trained in IT Systems. We know the compliance and security measures needed for funding bodies such as Medicare.  Our systems centralise all referrals and letters so that everything is organised seamlessly. 

Modernising your practice through automated IT solutions sounds overwhelming, but if set up correctly you will free yourself from the majority of paperwork.  This means your practice will be easier to manage and more profitable.

Our systems are extremely user friendly and accessible from any location with an internet connection.  You can write letters, notes and even bill clients and provide Medicare rebates with a simple click of a button.